| Quantum Interaction
Proceedings of the Second Quantum Interaction Symposium (QI-2008)
Edited by: Peter D. Bruza, William Lawless, Keith van Rijsbergen, Donald A. Sofge, Bob Coecke, and Stephen Clark
Quantum Mechanics (QM) is emerging from physics into non-quantum domains such as human language, cognition, information processing, AI, biology, political science, economics, organizations, and social interaction. The Second Quantum Interaction Symposium advances and applies the methods and structures of QM to these and other domains outside of physics. More specifically,
The advancement of theory and experimentation for applying QM to non-quantum domains (including a clarification of what QT means in non-quantum domains)Applications of QM inspired methods to address, or to more efficiently solve, problems in non-quantum domains (including contrasts between classical vs. quantum methods)Applications to quantum domains, such as implementation of AI, or Information Retrieval (IR) techniques, on a quantum computerUse of QM to address previously unsolved problems in other fields
ISBN 978-1-904987-77-2