
Historia Logicae
Series edited by Ingolf Max (Leipzig) and Jens Lemanski (Hagen)
Historia Logicae aims to publish high-quality monographs, dissertations, textbooks, proceedings, and anthologies written in German or English. All contributions should have a clear reference to the history of logic, both history and logic being understood in the broadest sense, i.e. without restriction to any period, any region, any logic or any discipline related to logic: The time span ranges from pre-Aristotelian approaches to debates reaching to the present; regionally, the contributions can extend to all continents, cultures, and traditions; and besides the various logics, contributions to logic-related disciplines such as mathematics, language theory, rhetoric, linguistics, ontology, artificial intelligence, computer science, etc., are also welcome if they have a recognizable historical interest.
Editorial Board:
Christoph Benzmüller (Berlin)
Christophe Erismann (Vienna)
Elena Ficara (Paderborn)
Eli Franco (Leipzig)
Eberhard Guhe (Harvard-Yenching)
Stefan Heßbrüggen-Walter (Moscow)
Ludger Jansen (Rostock)
Christoph Kann (Düsseldorf)
Eberhard Knobloch (BBAW)
Lu Jiang (Guangzhou)
Javier Legris (Buenos Aires)
Wolfgang Lenzen (Bielefeld)
Timm Lampert (Berlin)
Marko Malink (NYU)
Ivan Mikirtumov (St. Petersburg)
Volker Peckhaus (Paderborn)
Joshua Mendelsohn (Chicago)
Dirk Schlimm (Montreal)
Cornelia Schöck (Bochum)
Michael Schramm (Göttingen)
Niko Strobach (Münster)
Matthias Thimm (Koblenz)
Book Proposals
Historia Logicae publishes books written in either English or German. Some bilingual books may be included in the series. Book proposals can be sent directly to historialogicae@gmail.com.