
The International Federation of Computational Logic (IfCoLog) sponsorsTHREE logic journals, two published by OUP (The Logic J of the IGPL and the Journal of Logic and Computation) and one published by Elsevier (Journal of Applied Logic)
All three Journals are highly successful (many submissions and high impact factor)The community has expressed a desire for some form of open access, and no limit on size of issues, thus giving immediate free access and also avoiding years of backlog in publications.
Publishers' current open access arrangement demands a hefty payment from authors, and they seem to be resisting any form of concession or compromise on size of issues.
In order to overcome this issue and set an example for other publishers, we proposed to start our own independent practically open access journal (free to download, inexpensive to purchase in print) under the title "The (free open access) IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications"
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
This move is in the spirit of a recent call by the community to publish our own Journals. See this article in Nature.
From the year 2018, the Elsevier Journal of Applied Logic is no longer being published by Elsevier and is now being continued by the UK Charity Ifcolog. We thank Elsevier for their generosity and support .
We are making the Journal of Applied Logics free open access and amalgamating it with our current journal Flap, giving the unified journal the name Journal of Applied Logics: IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications
For example for the year 2017 we published 11 issues, containing about 4000 pages. Issue 4 for example, an issue dedicated to the Memory of Grigory Mints, was about 800 pages.
No commercial publisher will ever do this.
The impact factor of the Journal of Applied Logic is currently as follows
CiteScore: 0.73
More about CiteScore
Impact Factor: 0.838
5-Year Impact Factor: 0.839
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.936
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.401
We expect that the impact factor of the unified journals will continue and grow even stronger.
We have amalgamated the lists of editors and area editors of both journals. We are the same community anyway.
The first issue of 2018 of the combined journal is about 450 pages.
Note that this is equals the entire yearly page allocation of an average journal.