
Scope of the Journal
Scope of the Journal
All areas of pure and applied logic, including pure logical systems, proof theory, constructive logic, categorical logic, modal and temporal logic, model theory, recursion theory, type theory, nominal theory, nonclassical logics, nonmonotonic logic, numerical and uncertainty reasoning, logic and AI, foundations of logic programming, belief revision, dynamic logic, quantum logic, algebraic logic, logic and cognition, probabilistic logic, logic and networks, neuro-logical systems, complexity, argumentation theory, logic and computation, logic and language, logic engineering, knowledge-based systems and automated reasoning, logical issues in knowledge representation, systems of knowledge and belief; logics and semantics of programming; specification and verification of programs and systems, applications of logic in hardware and VLSI, natural language, concurrent computation, planning, agent theory, and databases.
The Journal will also consider papers on the application of logic in other subject areas: philosophy, cognitive science, physics etc. provided they have some mathematical value.