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Series edited by Dov Gabbay

Volume 51:

A Century since Principia's Substitution Bedazzled Haskell Curry
In Honour of Jonathan Seldin's 80th Anniversary

Fairouz Kamareddine, ed


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Volume 50:

Sciencres, Circulations, Révolutions
Festschrift pour Philippe Nabonnand

Pierre Edouard Bour, Manuel Rebuschi, Laurent Rollet, eds.


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Volume 49:

Logically Speaking
A Festschrift for Marie Duží

Pavel Materna and Bjørn Jespersen, eds


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Volume 48:

60 Jahre DVMLG

Benedikt Löwe and Deniz Sarikaya, eds


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Volume 47:

Festschrift for Martin Purvis
An Information Science "Renaissance Man"

Mariusz Nowostawski and Holger Regenbrecht, eds


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Volume 46:

Relevance Logics and other Tools for Reasoning
Essays in Honor of J. Michael Dunn

Katalin Bimbó


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Volume 45:

Mathematical Foundations of Software Engineering
Essays in Honour of Tom Maibaum on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday and Retirement

Nazareno Aguirre, Valentin Cassano, Pablo Castro and Ramiro Demasi, eds


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Volume 44:

A Question is More Illuminating than an Answer
A Festschrift for Paulo A. S. Veloso

Edward Hermann Haeusler, Luis Carlos Pinheiro Dias Pereira and Jorge Petrucio Viana, eds


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Volume 43:

Judgements and Truth
Essays in Honour of Jan Woleński

Andrew Schumann, editor


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Volume 42:

Abstract Consequence and Logics
Essays in Honor of Edelcio G. de Souza

Alexandre Costa-Leite, ed


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Volume 41:

Kreisel's Interests
On the Foundations of Logic and Mathematics

Paul Weingartner and Hans-Peter Leeb, eds


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Volume 40:

Natural Arguments
A Tribute to John Woods

Dov Gabbay, Lorenzo Magnani, Woosuk Park, and Ahti Veikko Pietarinen, eds


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Volume 39:

Word Recognition, Morphology and Lexical REading
Essays in Honour of Cristina Burani

Simone Sulpizio, Laura Barca, Silvia Primativo and Lisa S. Arduino, eds


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Volume 38:

Logic, Intelligence, and Artifices
Tributes to Tarcisio H. C. Pequeno

Jean-Yves Beziau, Francicleber Ferreira, Ana Teresa Martins, and Marcelo Pequeno, eds


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Volume 37:

Argumentation-based Proofs of Endearment
Essays in Honor of Guillermo R. Simari on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday

Carlos I Chesnevar, Marcelo A. Falappa, Eduardo Ferme, Alejandro J. Garcia, Ana G. Maguitman, Diego C. Martinez, Maria Vanina Martinez, Ricardo O. Rodrigues and Gerado I. Simari, eds


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Volume 36:

Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, and their History
Essays in Honor of W. W. Tait

Erich H. Reck, ed


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Volume 35:

Language, Evolution and Mind
Essays in Honour of Anne Reboul

Pierre Saint-Germier, editor


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Volume 34:

Models: Concepts, Theory, Logic, Reasoning and Semantics
Essays Dedicated to Klaus-Dieter Schewe on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday

Atif Mashkoor, Qing Wang and Bernhard Thalheim, eds.


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Volume 33:

Logic and Computation
Essays in Honour of Amilcar Sernadas

Carlos Caleiro, Francisco Dionisio, Paula Gouveia, Paulo Mateus and Joao Rasga, eds


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Volume 32:

From Semantics to Dialecotmetry
Fesschrift in honor of John Nerbonne

Martijn Wieling, Martin Kroon, Gertjan van Noord and Gosse Bouma, editors


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Volume 31:

"Shut up," he explained.
Essays in Honour of Peter K. Schotch

Gillman Payette, ed.

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Volume 30:

Liber Amicorum Alberti
A Tribute to Albert Visser

Jan van Eijck, Rosalie Iemhoff and Joost J. Joosten, eds


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Volume 29:

Computational Models of Rationality
Essays dedicated to Gabriele Kern-Isberner on the occasion of her 60th birthday

Christoph Beierle, Gerhard Brewka and Matthias Thimm, eds


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Volume 28:

Conceptual Clarifications
Tributes to Patrick Suppes (1922-2014)

Jean-Yves Béziau, Décio Krause and Jonas R. Becker Arenhart, eds.


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Volume 27:

Why is this a Proof?
Festschrift for Luiz Carlos Pereira

Edward Hermann Haeusler, Wagner de Campos Sanz and Bruno Lopes, eds.


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Volume 25:

The Facts Matter. Essays on Logic and Cognition in Honour of Rineke Verbrugge

Sujata Ghosh and Jakub Szymanik, editors


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Volume 26:

Learning and Inferring
Festschrift for Alejandro C. Frery on the Occasion of his 55th Birthday

Bruno Lopes and Talita Perciano, eds


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Volume 24:

Modestly radical or radically modest
Festschrift for Jean Paul van Bendegem on the occasion of his 60th birthday

Patrick Allo and Bart van Kerkhove, eds


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Volume 23:

Infinity, Computability and Metamathematics
Festschrift celebrating the 60th birthdays of Peter Koepke and Philip Welch

Stefan Geschke, Benedikt Loewe, and Philipp Schlicht, eds


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Volume 22:

Foundational Adventures
Essays in Honour of Harvey M. Friedman

Neil Tennant, ed


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Volume 21:

From Knowledge Representation to Argumentation in AI, Law and Policy Making
A Festschrift in Honour of Trevor Bench-Capon on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday

Katie Atkinson, Henry Prakken and Adam Wyner, eds


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Volume 20:

The Goals of Cognition
Essays in honour of Cristiano Castelfranchi

Fabio Paglieri, Luca Tummolini, Rino Falcone, and Maria Miceli, eds.


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Volume 19:

From Quantification to Conversation
Festschrift for Robin Cooper on the occasion of his 65th birthday

Staffan Larsson and Lars Borin, eds.


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Volume 18:

Insolubles and Consequences
Essays in Honour of Stephen Read

Catarina Dutilh Novaes and Ole Thomassen Hjortland, eds


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Volume 17:

Logic without Frontiers
Festschrift for Walter Alexandre Carnielli on the occasion of his 60th birthday

Jean-Yves Beziau and Marcelo Esteban Coniglio, eds


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Volume 16:

Knowing, Reasoning, and Acting
Essays in Honour of Hector J. Levesque

Gerhard Lakemeyer and Sheila A. McIlraith, eds


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Volume 15:

Hues of Philosophy
Essays in Memory of Ruth Manor

Anat Biletzki, ed.


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Volume 14:

Festschrift for Gerhard Heinzmann

Pierre Edouard Bour, Manuel Rebuschi, and Laurent Rollet, editors


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Volume 13:

Proofs, Categories and Computations
Essays in Honor of Grigori Mints

Soloman Feferman and Wilfried Sieg, editors


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Volume 12:

Dialectics, Dialogue and Argumentation.
An Examination of Douglas Walton's Theories of Reasoning

Chris Reed and Christopher W. Tindale, eds.


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Volume 11:

Heuristics, Probability and Causality.
A Tribute to Judea Pearl

Rina Dechter, Hector Geffner and Joseph Y. Halpern, eds.

978-1-904987-66-6 (hardback) 978-1-904987-65-9 (paperback)

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Volume 10:

Witnessed Years
Essays in Honour of Petr Hajek

Petr Cintula, Zuzana Hanikova and Vitezslav Svejdar, editors


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Volume 9:

Acts of Knowledge: History, Philosophy and Logic.
Essays Dedicated to Goran Sundholm

Giuseppe Primiero and Shahid Rahman, editors


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Volume 8:

Logos and Language
Essays in Honour of Julius Moravcsik

Dagfinn Follesdal and John Woods, editors


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Volume 7:

Dialogues, Logics and Other Strange Things
Essays in Honour of Shahid Rahman

Cédric Dégremont, Laurent Keiff and Helge Rückert, eds


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Volume 6:

Linguistics, Computer Science and Language Processing
Festschrift for Franz Guenthner on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday

Gaston Gross and Klaus U.Schulz, editors


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Volume 5:

Approaching Truth
Essays in Honour of Ilkka Niiniluoto

Sami Pihlstrom, Panu Raatikainen and Matti Sintonen, eds


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Volume 4:

The Way Through Science and Philosophy
Essays in Honour of Stig Andur Pedersen

H. B. Andersen, F. V. Christiansen, K. F. Jorgensen and V. F. Hendricks, eds


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Volume 2:

We Will Show Them!
Essays in Honour of Dov Gabbay, Volume 2

S. Artemov, H. Barringer, A. d'Avila Garcez, Luis C. Lamb and J. Woods, eds

1-904987-12-5 (pb); 1-904987-26-5 (hb)

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Volume 1:

We Will Show Them!
Essays in Honour of Dov Gabbay, Volume 1

S. Artemov, H. Barringer, A. d'Avila Garcez, Luis C. Lamb and J. Woods, eds

1-904987-11-7 (pb); 1-904987-25-7 (hb)

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Volume 3:

Truth and Probability: Essays in Honour of Hugues Leblanc

Bryson Brown and François Lepage, eds


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